Well I had to go to the allergist and guess what...we found a medication the insurance company will cover...only problem no
decongestant for me. Why you may ask ... well my blood pressure has sky rocketed. It could have something to do it the
caffeine I drank and the yelling match i had with HR and how nervous I was,
ohh did I mention I left work late to go to the doctor's office. Anyways, it was up there and I came up with several reasons as you can tell. Tuesday I went to start
immunotherapy ... weekly shots ... I asked them to check my blood pressure and my upper number went up one number and my bottom number fell eleven numbers. I have been
soo worried about this. The allergist also thinks I am
Vitamin D deficient as I am extremely pale. I am a red head with a pale complexion but he has seen me before and he was really shocked with how pale I am. Not good...nor is the high blood pressure. After I had my shot I got pretty sick to my stomach.
This happened when i was younger and I went through allergy shots. I can't believe I have to go through them again but hopefully I will feel better soon.
changes I have been making is that I am doing my nails and trying to take better care of myself. I need to lose some weight ... okay a lot of weight and I need to get serious about this now...how can I do this...I am such a non-
commiter on this and I have been
successful on WW before. HELP! I know if I lose weight my blood pressure will go down...If you have any ideas on any of this please post a comment...Thanks for your help and support my friends.
Oh Maureen, I hate to hear of all your troubles. As you know your blood pressure is nothing to play around with. And I truly hope your allergies get straightened out. As far as weight goes, I'm no help there. I was always a very slim person until I started having trouble with my thryoid, and as you know thyroid problems lead to weight gain. With all of my thyroid medications it is almost impossible for me to loose weight at least until they get it all regulated.
I know how it feels to need to loose weight. I think healthier eating and not eating out are my main goals.
Maybe we need to eat healthier on our patched work pie nights. Maybe subway for dinner and keep the pie!
Yeah, what Jen says! If you have done the WW before, you know the basics behind the plan. Are you drinking more water than anything else? Are you eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day? DO you drink regular pop or diet? Try to just switch a few things and see how it goes.
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