I was so looking forward to Friday and it was all I expected. I was so glad it was time to go to Wendy's Block of the Month at Frank's! Wendy made Fudgy Snow Balls...Ohh they were sooooo yummy! Wendy also showed us a lot of neat things at the store. I bought two Daydreams charm packs and one Daydreams jelly roll, also, one charm pack of Fossil Fabrics and a Debbie Caffrey pattern called September Song. Now my question is what can I make with two charm packs and a jelly roll???? After a fun filled evening Wendy, Jen, Sherry and I went to dinner at Mama Mia's...Yum. I am sure the garlic bread was not WW friendly. It was wonderful to sit and chat with friends.
Now the only problem I had on Friday was going home...it snowed and the ground was slippery and icy. This is a problem for a person who drives a Camero. I couldn't make it up a hill by my home...I kept sliding back and could only get to a certain point...no farther. Mark had to come and get me. I drove the truck home and Mark figured out how to get the car home. I had to turn the truck around and loop back to where Mark was. He was gone with the car but several other cars couldn't make it up the hill either. Once Mark got home with the car, we couldn't get it up the driveway. We tried pushing the car, backing the car in, pulling it in, etc. We ended up getting a parking permit and parking it on the street.
Saturday I did some organizing and cleaning off of our table we had a garbage bag full of papers, etc on the table. Then I decided to take the Christmas tree down. Yes it is finally down. I still have some Jim Shore Christmas decorations up and I need to take them down soon. The success is the Christmas tree being down. I also need to get a box from work to put my nutcracker in. My aunt gave me one for Christmas which is great and tall but I need something to put it in so it doesn't get broken.
Again one of the problems we had was getting the car up the driveway...it made it to the back door and got stuck...yikes...Mark tood the sand in a tube out of the trunk and used that - amazing - he got the car into it's parking spot in the driveway. I asked him what we are going to do as the car is having such a bad time this winter (getting stuck that is) and Mark said we just park it until spring. Nice idea but we often have two different places to be so we have to fix this!
Today I am doing laundry and watching TV and checking out other blogs. I still need to balance our check book and pay some bills but it will get done soon. I am feeling lazy today which is common on weekends.