Monday, December 17, 2007

It's beginning to look like Christmas

Well tonight did not turn out the way I anticipated but it was a good night. Well I did sew but not the kind we all like to do.....I was sewing Emma's toys back together. I had to do surgery on three of her stuffed animals. I did this while I watched some TV on the computer. While I did that I opened some Jim Shore items that I have for Christmas...two angels, a polar bear and penguin, and Santa, sleigh and reindeer. While I was putting them out Mark went and pulled out our 4 1/2 foot Christmas tree from our first Christmas together. I cleaned off a glass table and put the tree up. I am thinking of confiscating a red, green and black blanket to put around the bottom of the tree and cover the stand. Tomorrow night I hope to put ornaments on. I did just bring some up and I did just put the blanket around the bottom of the tree and it looks great. My tree skirt would have been too big so I am happy with this for this year.

For a cheap tree - it looks okay right now. I do have to fix some branches and I did bring up a box of ornaments. I may quick put them on so that I feel like I got something done. I was going to take my clear coat off and replace it but I don't think that will happen right now. Maybe in about 10 minutes or so...I don't know if I will get a chance to put a new coat on before tomorrow...which is our Section Christmas luncheon at work. I am bringing mini meatballs and mini hot dogs in a sauce. It should be a good time.

Yeah for me...I am getting some Christmas stuff up and I won't feel like I didn't do anything this year. :-)

Emma just got a little piece of chocolate...I dropped one the size of two plain M&M's. I hope she will be okay. I had a beagle lab mix that could eat chocolate and be okay. I guess I'll stay up a little later to keep an eye on her.


Moneik said...

Wow! You got a lot done towards making it look like Christmas. I was trying to finish up the presents. Then maybe I'll decorate. I still have to finish making the tree skirt.

Jen said...

HA who said you have to finish a tree skirt to put it on? Mine's just draped on, not quilted yet. I think I'll quilt it after Christmas! LOL. I keep waiting for "baby Jesus" to lay under the tree on the circular quilt....

Cindy said...

You've been busy too. Good for you. I don't have my trees decorated yet but the lights are on if that counts.