Sunday, November 25, 2007

Really Far Behind

I am so far behind on reading other's blogs. Sorry...I will try to catch up soon. I just have been so busy with the house and home improvement projects and other stuff.

Today I made a cake, Lasagna, and I am making a nice salad for dinner. We are having my parents and Mark's parents over to celebrate his birthday. I can't believe how much I have to get done and how little time I have. I still have to wash clothes. Yet another day without any sewing. How do you all do it and get everything else done?

I know I have to get going on Christmas presents too but don't know what to make. Any ideas? I know I asked in the last posting but thought I would ask again. Hopefully I will be able to sew sometime this next week. I know Monday and Tuesday are out so we will see how it goes from there.


Kristie said...

Hope you have a great time with dinner. Don't really have any ideas as far as Christmas gifts go. I am pretty much at a loss myself.

Michelle said...

Ooooh, can I come eat with you? It sounds wonderful! never told me how your mil liked her quilt! Please, do tell!

Moneik said...

The food sounds wonderful and I'm sure your family will enjoy.