Monday, January 7, 2008

Winter Colds - Yuck

Who cares what time of year it is...I do not like colds. This may actually be a sinus infection but who knows. My fever was 100 degrees when I came home from work. You can ask why I went in the first place and it is just me being me. Cathy, one of the women I work with, asked if she should call off the amounts that we were comparing as my throat sounded bad. I told her that it doesn't hurt it just sounds bad. Wasn't that nice of her though!

This afternoon I decided I was on fire - as I had a temp. and should come home. It is unusual that I take my temperature but I knew the doctor's office was calling and I wanted to be prepared for their favorite question. Anyways, the doctor called herself and checked on me. She said this could be a sinus infection but after talking to me we decided to wait a few days to see if it is a cold or an infection. I'm thinking cold. She said I sounded very congested over the phone - which was true and I told her I am taking DayQuil and NyQuil. When I am not at work - no DayQuil instead Tylenol. I have been drinking OJ and water so I'm resting and drinking fluids. I am sick of being sick. This started Saturday so I am only three days into a cold that people at work have told me lasts several weeks. I am just waiting to not be contagious.

Okay here is my whole problem...normally I go to help Block of the Month packets with three other people and Wendy, who is an incredible quilter and pattern designer, anyways as I am sick I can not be there to help...what help would I be if everyone else got this cold but I love to help! This stinks...I was so looking forward to going and being with friends and cutting fabric for the packets! Why!?!?!?!!?!??! Okay I think I have ranted enough. Obviously if I have been sleeping and resting since Saturday I did not get anything done quilting wise. I am going to work with Jen on developing a Quilting Plan/List like she has on her blog. Check it out....

Thanks for "listening" to me rant about my cold! I hope no one gets it and everyone stays healthy!


Kristie said...

I so hate to hear that you are sick. I hope you start feeling better real soon.

Moneik said...

I hate having a cold too. I hope you get to feeling better and kick it soon!

Cindy said...

I think I have the same thing. I sound awful but my throat doesn't hurt. I was home today too and just slept alot and am taking decongestants. One of our ladies in the office so nicely shared this with the rest of us. I wish when people were sick they just stayed home.

Jen said...

Tag, You're it!!

I'm sorry you're sick!! Feel better soon.