Wednesday, January 16, 2008

7 Random & Wacky Things About Me

Here are seven Random and Wacky Things about me.

  1. I can't stand for my hands to be dirty. This Christmas my Mom and I made cookies and I had to roll the sticky batter into balls...I just about lost it!
  2. I wash my hands all the is a compulsion...see Wacky thing #1 and it will all make sense. I also worked in Dietary for 9 years and we had to wash our hands all the time.
  3. I am afraid of birds. One came after me as a small child and my Dad told my uncle to pick me up...he didn't. Also when I was home sick one day my Dad made me watch the movie The Birds.
  4. I am afraid of heights/ladders. You can get me up on one step shaking all the way on a stepladder. Step two just about kills me and step 3 just will never happen.
  5. I think I was supposed to be left handed or I am ambidextrous. I always want to do stuff with my left hand but by habit I use my right. My Mom thinks the school didn't want me to be left handed so they stopped that.
  6. I am allergic to everything in the world. In fact I am allergic to something that cause my throat to swell shut but we (the allergist and other doctors) don't know what causes's a mystery. So I have to carry a EpiPen.
  7. I would have a Springer Spaniel plantation if it was allowed. Emma wants to be an only dog but I would love to have a bunch of them...not quite 101 but enough!


Jen said...

See, You were able to come up with 7 things after all.

Kristie said...

Oh Maureen, you're not wacky at all! I am also afraid of heights.